Places No. 1
San Francisco, California
With the arrival of our friend the Polar Vortex here in Chicago, I've been seriously questioning my permanent place of residence on this Earth. There are a million things I love about Chicago, summers by the lake, architecture, and food but the bottom line right now is that the weather here sucks and I have a major case of winter blues. While waiting for the frost to thaw, I'll be day dreaming about moving to warm and awesome cities like San Francisco. Here is a link round up for good old San Fran:
Best blog post about living in San Francisco here
Favorite SF based fashion designer (hello Erica Tanov!)
Beautiful SF based interior designer Catherine Kwong
7 Foods that were born in the bay area here
SF iconic drinks list
Best SF secret spots from the Thought Catalogue
Bay area slang dictionary
Favorite blogger SF Girl by Bay
Images: First image via Pinterest (no source), "Path" by Chris Smart, "Ocean Beach, SF" by Leslie Anne Gonzales, Erica Tanov winter 2013-2014 collection pieces, and downtown residence by Catherine Kwong