10 things I bought to improve my post pregnancy style:
1. Natural white jersey top (1-6 via H&M)
2. Gray top in slub jersey
3. Dark gray fine-knit sweater
4. White/Blue striped top
5. Taupe draped top
6. Black v-neck blouse
7. Gap 1969 curvy skinny indigo jeans: I’m not a big fan of gap jeans but they are very practical for those first few months post pregnancy.
8. Gap cami maxi dress: I can definitely nurse in this type of dress because I can pull down the strap without taking the whole thing off. I could also wear a nursing tank under it. Add blazer for work, cardigan for casual day out, heels for evening, etc.
9. Everlane classic tote in black: A diaper bag is just a big bag right? The canvas and leather is durable.
10. I.Miller Geni Loafers made exclusively for Gilt: These shoes are made beautifully and go with everything.
It’s easy to look good pregnant. One tight form fitting black dress and you are all set. Not to mention there are a ton of maternity stores with fashionable options now a days. However, post pregnancy it's tricky to look good. Your boobs are huge and everything is either too big (yay!) or too small (great).
Somehow I’ve been managing to get by the past 8 weeks but then again I hardly ever leave the house. School runs and the grocery store are pretty much it. Except when I can’t see straight. Then we stop at Starbucks for a fancy make-me-feel-better latte. Anyway, I digress. I’ve been hiding my ill fit clothes under my coat for two months now and it was time to deal with it. You know things are bad when your mom drops little hints by asking if you need money to buy pants and pajamas. Pajamas. Need I say more?
Here is what I did before making my final picks.
First I did an assessment of what I currently have that is working. Black lace up ankle boots, slip on Vans, classic black pumps, black maternity “skinny” jeans, long cut navy blue blazer, and a black 3/4 length coat that can take me through spring. Good base.
Next I thought about my post pregnancy clothes must haves.
Basic/neutral - can be worn on and off duty (I go back to work in a few weeks)
Can endure loads of spit up and miscellaneous liquids (sorry silk and chiffon blouses)
Washable - no time for trips to the dry cleaners
Slouchy fit - hide lumps
Things that can be worn nursing (sorry zip up dresses - I won’t be able to strip at a restaurant to feed baby)
Something that is not too expensive because once I stop nursing my body will change again - I have to compromise on quality because unfortunately these are throw away purchases
Then I got a little help from Pinterest to find the looks I like so I could create a shopping list. I wish I was naturally stylish but I’m not. You can see the pins I saved here.
Also, I hate malls and trying things on in the store so I bought everything online. The shops I like best for inexpensive online shopping are: Zara (free shipping on orders over $50), H&M (wow they have really stepped up their online experience and they carry maternity now), Gap, Banana Republic, Gilt and Everlane.
CUP OF JOE did a similar post on nursing mom style and nursing in public. Go her.
Also, I’ve noticed there is not much out there for post pregnancy style. The nursing stuff is meh, hard to find, and pretty expensive for ugly. For all you doers and makers out there, I see a huge opportunity:)