I think when travelling with small children the right apartment rental can be the equivilant of staying at the Ritz. Me, husband, toddler, and new baby in a hotel room. HA HA HA let's be serious. Housekeeping may swing by every day to make the beds and take the breakfast tray but it won't be relaxing. The kids need space and cool toys to play with. A place where they can eat and take naps. They need a kitchen. Check out the Stone Street Residence located in the Financial District of New York via Kid and Coe. Kid and Coe is a niche vacation home rental service for families. Now this is family travel done right! Lot's of space, quality interior design, toys, and quiet places for rest so all parties involved can have fun. Dinner party on the balcony while the kids are sleeping in their own big comfortable beds anyone?
We used another vacation home rental service, Airbnb, for Paris and London and it worked out great. I must say, I don't think we'll travel any other way until the kids are older. We just booked a family vacation to Napa Valley for labor day weekend. Let the hunt for the perfect rental begin. Please send recos if you hae any!