Summer project: organize the children's toys. We need a little family zen, clear spaces = clear minds kind of thing. There are toys in every room of the house. An empty pamper box full of baby Alec's toys. The kitchen, Isabelle's waiting for dinner toys. An excer-saucer that you have to leap over in the morning rush. Bath toys. Markers and coloring books on the living room couch. Tiny little Frozen characters. All that fun stuff :)
Not sure where to start I began sorting them all. Putting them into zip lock bags by category. Little people. Animals. Puzzles. Pretend food. Play dough stuff. Magnets. Play mobiles by scene. Paper dolls. I even resurfaced some old toys which was pretty great.
Talking to my mom about storage solutions for all this stuff she suggested I reuse my old boxes to make new toy containers. I love this idea.
1. Plain boxes, multiple sizes (all those amazon shipments, iKea, The Container Store...)
2. Donna Wilson wrapping paper designed by illustrator Amy Walters - or you can make your own using Spoon Flower
3. And then play around with styling the kids closet
It's easy on the eyes and the kids like it too if you pick out cool patterns.